Saturday, March 12, 2011

Bail Bondswoman Run Over While In The Line Of Duty

Everyone sees the glamorous and adventurous side of bail bonds. However, many forget it can also be a dangerous business. One bail bondswoman, from McBee Bonding, found that out the hard way when trying to serve a warrant on Donnie C. Lowery in late 2009. While serving the warrant, Carlen Baird-Baptista's foot was run over while Donnie Lowery attempted to drive away.

Justice finally caught up to Mr. Lowry though. He was just sentenced to 12 years for his convictions relating to the incident. Not only did Mr. Lowry run over a bail bondswoman's foot, but he also attempted to run down a police sergeant and provided false information on his bail bonds application.
Bail bonds can be very lucrative for some bail agents, but it is always important to remember the opportunity to make a great income can come with a price.